I’m a Christian and I’m a realist, sin is destroying America. The only hope for people is Jesus, not any man or man made political system. God saves souls – not countries. The more genuine Jesus loving souls saved, the more votes for what is God honoring. The rapid descent of society, off moral footings and biblical foundations, is the real decay and it has been sliding down a long time. Democracy isn’t working why? Apathy and the so-called…..
Where Is Mr. K. West Standing? The Bible is a true account of fallen, sinful humanity needing the only Savior from hell, God the Son, Lord Jesus sent from humanities loving Creator Father God. The Bible is the Word of God cover to cover. The Bible reveals Lord Jesus Christ and the work of God the Holy Spirit, with the promise of heaven to come for those who believe regenerated and justified in faith. Obedience to the Word of God…..