It could be, the miss-allocation of time on FB has the potential to develop a subtle addiction which could turn into quicksand. Even to so called Christian Social Media , many are or are not aware of the possible trap. There is something about the actual physical, hands-on participation that’s luring.
Perhaps, for some, and this is just a stretch of thinking on my part. The external exercised physical involvement (interaction w/computer) is akin to an attraction found in Charismatic churches, with…..
Time is a small bubble in eternity. The value of another year has both passed and begun. When the usefulness of time has run it’s course God will pop the bubble. The next phase of God’s plans will still occupy eternity.
Fortunately our gracious Creator God has given all humankind an ultimatum. Honor Him within His gift of daily time, year after year or not. God’s great love has given humankind some of His thoughts which are written…..