Everyone Who Believes
The Most High rules both far and wide, He blesses souls that will confess Because of pride people hide, they keep their heart from God’s caress
Some take their dad’s wild ride, some long for mom’s steadiness But when a movement comes inside, you get the Spirit’s Holiness,
Everyone Who Believes God is love, will run the race, Everyone Who Believes Christ has come, He will embrace
You must believe in faith, for that which you…..
Volume One, Chapter 21: One Year Born-Again, page 370
The ongoing mixture of calm and chaos brought about more acceptances with the struggles in my new life. Without the mess of stress from what I brought into my life with artsy endeavors, I was okay with life’s ups and downs. But I wanted more goodness and less sin. I bought another Bible on July first; the New King James Version was my fourth Bible. I liked my new version; the…..
From a Team Pyro blog article on music in church, http://t.co/0OTMeFT4xO
A question was framed as to what are your thoughts on the conflicting music styles in churches. As the differences in age, values, styles and purpose have not been remedied the condition of the conflict seems unable to go away in many, but not all churches.
Meanwhile many young people are turning away. Their parents and grandparents are not setting a good example by turning away.
There have been many…..
In 1989 after seven years of hard work seeking success as a lyric writer in Hollywood my dream didn’t fly. I was grounded to earth beaten down without hope. That’s when God got my attention. Unbeknownst to me, I was spiritually dead for all of my thirty six years.
I was so busy I never thought about God in a serious way. Being unconcerned about God never bothered me. I never knew for sure He was real or believed it to…..
Let the truth of America‘s downward slide be told and perhaps it will awaken someone to love our God and pray for mercy, salvation of their soul from hell and help in this life.
Consider this; God is in control of all things and blesses who He will bless and withholds from whom He chooses. God’s blessings have poured on America and made this country great.
God allows and recent history shows those ten to twelve years prior to 911……
Seen on TV, the internet and heard on radio are women who call themselves Pastors, teaching the bible. The airwaves are open to whoever wants to listen. However for a women to teach men is a sin so I switch stations. Biblical authority is being ignored with regards to who is the Pastor/Teacher in a church and that is a sin problem for the people within the church. This is largely seen in liberal churches.
The apostle Paul speaks with the authority…..
Teenagers and young adults see and hear the frustration of grandparents. The loss of happiness in their golden years with more financial insecurity and less medical care, these are obviously some lost hopes. And without Jesus now for peace of mind there’s no hope for heaven.
The Millennials the generation from 1980 to 2010, see and hear their parents loss in house value, shrinking work hours and retirement plans dwindling. No faith in Jesus now to be witnessed so there’s no hope for…..
When I was around twenty years old it was my time to decide about getting married. Our love that was there was very strong but I couldn’t generate enough love for commitment.
Marriage is serious and I’d seen my parents, uncles and aunts, and others suffer through divorce. There were plenty of life’s options. I first needed to know more about me before I joined another life and or created life.
Saying I don’t before I do and walking away…..
Volume One, Chapter 23 Stay To Learn, page 403-404 (1993)
By September, five months had passed since my last battle with marijuana. It was the first time in my life of not indulging in smoking pot or drinking booze for that long, I thanked God.
Circus of Sin
All I heard was discouraging words.
Where is love, the One I’m thinking of,
To rescue us from this circus,
Circus of Sin?
I’ve known and had some friends…..
The 2014, 4th of July Dependence
The 2014, 4th of July holiday for most people in America will be a celebration of independence away from our Father God.
Because most people don’t know the God of the Bible Christians lift up prayers to, for family and friends. We pray also for all who are yet to come and know the love of Jesus and Bible teachings.
True Christian Americans hope for the turnaround of our culture away from godless values and entertainment exploiting sin’s diverse forms. We may…..