It could be, the miss-allocation of time on FB has the potential to develop a subtle addiction which could turn into quicksand. Even to so called Christian Social Media , many are or are not aware of the possible trap. There is something about the actual physical, hands-on participation that’s luring.
Perhaps, for some, and this is just a stretch of thinking on my part. The external exercised physical involvement (interaction w/computer) is akin to an attraction found in Charismatic churches, with…..
Breach the silence, thank God for another day, keep hope aware, …
My research finds that the bottom line, root cause, forinadequate housing, unequal pay scales, unemployment, bias news reporting anddysfunctional government etc. is SIN and a very low understanding Who God is. –– – Conditions in the world are getting worse and will worsen, because the majorityof people are growing more sinful, voting for sinful ways and rejecting Godmore. – – – Bust out of this temporary time zone called “life on earth” and enterthe reality of standing at the…..
Among the world’s decline of civilizations, there are those born-again, born spiritually alive Bible believing Christians.
And there it is, we see every day historical; American Democracy has failed. Democracy’s imbedded right for the most votes to elect rulers to represent the most votes has twisted the freedom to vote for good OR evil. Freedom has toppled “right” and has given “wrong” the podium, the bully platform. The old Christian foundation of right and wrong found in the Bible has lost its popularity for several decades. Now, sin runs faster and farther.
Raising the next generations…..
Why masks are so strongly suggested and enforced? Because of votes. When people scream, “Somebody do something” politicians jump. What else can they do? Besides, masks look like somebody is doing something.
Imagine, millions of masks so intelligent, they stop your contaminated breath with used oxygen, Co2 that can damage you. Our own poison air exhaled mysteriously goes no further than the inside of the mask. A mask so brilliant it renders your used exhaled breath to suddenly become…..
Now is the time to be concerned with reaching for God’s help. Now is the period in making history that counts the most. What’s worse than knowing your lost, off course and going the wrong way? It’s, knowing your off course, lost and not turning back to get on the right course. America is past the fork in the road.
Admitting our shortcomings, failures and unhealthy pride is the start of healing. Accepting God’s help, Leadership, plans and great Gift…..
No amount of success, no accumulation of degrees, awards and trophies hanging on the wall, no number of years gathering savvy can be considered enough, if there is no true response with having Bible knowledge.
Only those who genuinely respond to the gospel can and will have God’s grace, His gift of salvation truth. By being regenerated with eternal perspectives, hope and joy, will a fuller realm of life attain its purpose which is to live in honor to…..
In case you haven’t noticed, but I’m thinking you have noticed, TV has changed. So, I said to myself, “I’ve had enough TV stop watching that garbage.” I pray for that to be done.
I’ve tried watching the morning news, as I usually would and of course it’s bias against conservatives, but these days more bias and pro liberal. That’s discouraging to see. What’s worse are the commercials. In the evening I’d catch the evening news, same bad thing.
People are searching for solid truth, unchangeable truth, they’re in need of the gospel truth of God. Speak of the solid Rock of Ages, the Wonderful, Counselor, Jesus.
With a lot of talk about uprising and fighting for what is right, and right against left, let me make a suggestion to Christians.
Be right in your proclamation of the gospel. Speak of the gospel. Mention the gospel. Preach the gospel.
Now, as always, now is a most advantageous time to…..
The greatest crime and horrific act of upheaval in America has been legalizing the slaughter of its babies. Long ago the Supreme Court of America legalized taking the life of innocent babies. The Court has run away from its obligation to defend the defenseless and made the law of the land murder by choice.
2021 rebellion and revolt against God are far more dangerous than any political affair gone sour. Abortion has been normalized to a minimal issue on the…..