By God’s mercy and grace He offers His Son. Jesus is the King who will eliminate all evil and lead believing souls to heaven. If the Best quality of time in your life is loving Jesus as Lord, Savior and Master you’re living the purpose of life. Without Jesus you’re just adding up the zeros, to your last breath.
Lord Jesus is the manifestation of God, He is God and He wants to live your life with you. By trusting…..
Rising identity issues keep America falling. Choosing not to believe in our Creator God Who created man and woman leaves misguided imaginations to wallow in the sin of homosexuality. Self-will is the leader of this prideful rebellion adding to the decline of what was once called Christian belief in our country.
The majority of people have accepted sin and most people are not speaking out against homosexuality. Running from God becomes more popular as America unravels.
If people calling themselves…..
We all know there are no perfect people, we all sin in our rebellious natures by turning from God. Sinful pride ignoring God has led man’s thinking far, far astray. Shunning God is a life of unconscious war with the Almighty Creator. God graciously gave and still offers His Son Jesus, as a gift to make peace with all sinners. Sinners come to Jesus one at a time.
Accepting God’s gift ends the war. Our weakened remaining rebellious sin nature…..
The largest view of what is going on is the one and only infinite view of God. There is only one God who is loving, holy, just, perfect, immutable and unstoppable, only God’s plan matters. Unfolding throughout the solar systems and earth’s history is God’s plan with His infallible biblical truth giving us love and hope.
In contrast man’s tiny, erroneous, finite view of what is going on, are like a few sinking partials of dust. Essentially man has two…..
Throughout the last year, two Bible truths kept repeating in my thoughts. Job 5:7 Yet man is born to trouble, As the sparks fly upward. Christ said in Matthew 28:20 “lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Above all the value of God’s blessings and guidance, is His steadfast love which shines in each new set of circumstances.
A year ago I packed without making choices about the contents going into large plastic tubs……