All souls matter in going with the flow or not? Where are you flowing to?
Going with the flow of world leaders, past and present, who got us where we are now?
Or not and admitting these are just people, life’s seriousness calls for a Supernatural Leader.
Going with the flow of most people hoping things will get better but your gut says otherwise?
Or not and coming to the point of asking God “Are You real?” “If so, let me know, save my soul.”
Going with the flow of people thinking prejudice can be fixed with redesigning people’s feelings?
Or not and knowing prejudice is a sin of the heart and only God can fix it.
Going with the flow of denying Creator God and trusting men and women to rearrange the planet?
Or not and believing the Bible teaching that alone God created all there is, He alone is in control.
Going with the flow of old age, life, death and thinking there’s nothing past it?
Or not and believing in Jesus who offers eternity in heaven, trusting Him with His promise of hope.
Going with the flow of living in less friendly communities of division with laws guiding your thoughts?
Or not and going to a Christian church family and being part of receiving God’s love and giving your new love and new life to God.
Going with the flow of being powerless reacting to financial, political and social meltdown fears?
Or not and asking God to save your soul from hell’s destruction and believing Jesus is God and Lord.
Going with the flow of looking horizontally at the futility of this temporary life on a dead end path?
Or not and looking up with belief you were created with purpose to praise God in love living for Him.
Going with the flow of the herd, the mass of popular opinion too proud to say you’re wrong about life?
Or not and being proactive believing now in faith trusting Jesus, the Almighty King who will protect His own, He will return as Conqueror over all sin and evil.
Going with the flow of knowing there is something big going on much more than meets the eye?
Or not and staying in what is a diminishing, unfulfilled routine of not believing God is real.
Going with the flow of spiritual awakening in your search for the meaning of life, answering Gods call?
Or not and choosing to ignore the inner calling, the urging s or nudging’s of God the Holy Spirit drawing you to Him.
Going with the flow of vertical truth Satan, sin and evil are real, but the Most High loving God waits patiently for you to call on His Son Jesus the only source of all power able to protect and save one’s soul from hell?
Or not and remaining on life’s treadmill of day in day out typical horizontal unbelieving false viewpoints without biblical truth.
As simple as it sounds it’s true, Jesus Christ is the only true way to get to heaven, by coming in faith to Him new life begins.
All other ways including emptying your mind of God and filling it with self esteem are false human efforts of life on a temporary earth. Earth is a graveyard.
Attempts to be good, psychology, all religions headed by humans, disbelieving all have sinned man or women, all are false practices offending God. Jesus alone saves.
There is the flow of just living, doing nothing with respect to searching for God in the Bible. Live and die, but it won’t change God’s truth. There is hell.
The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the living God, All souls need a Savior.
There is the flow of false paths, methods or religion regardless of how small or large they are. This of course includes the man-made, man-centered rituals and concepts of the false Catholic religious system usurping the authority of Sovereign God and Holy Scriptures in the Bibles Old and New Testaments.
Sadly the false flow of idealizing, worshiping just ‘people,’ sinful human beings, i.e. the pope and Mary has and is sending souls eternally to hell. All people, are just humans, popes, men and women all are born in sin (Rom. 3:23) and all need the loving Savior, God the Son, to keep them from hell. People are not God.
Thank God for His loving grace for there is the flow of heavenly bound souls eternally on the true path of God’s plan following Jesus Christ in faith.
Only sinless Jesus Christ deserves all worship, praise and glory. Jesus alone brings strength, courage and hope to live lives complete with biblical purpose and bound for heaven to glorify God.
Looking back at our outward path of spent time in living, our life manifests our true journey for our soul to be made complete in union with our Creator.
Either we are living in faith trusting God, in Christ, to go to heaven or we are ignoring Christ Jesus and living to go to hell.
If you don’t know where you’re going when you die, you’re always lost while you’re living.
ALL SOULS MATTER Where are you flowing to? Heaven or Hell?
Lyricist, non-fiction novelist