Watching the massive migration of people into Southern, Central and Northern Europe is like watching a clock of the future for North America.
The question worldwide is, are we looking at the coming of future ghettos or future cities and suburbs with less and less.
When the button is pushed for another wave of Central American youth and adults to swarm over the border of North America it will happen.
When another button is pushed for South American youth and adults to join the massive swarm over the prosperous border of North America land of milk and honey it will happen.
The only reason the great migration into our U.S.A. southern states hasn’t happened is simply because the button hasn’t been pushed yet.
The pause of overwhelming pressure on Gringo politics, tax payers and those who are ready to help no matter what may be timing. Nationwide missionaries are getting ready to preach the Word of salvation through Jesus, for migrants when they arrive.
Running neck and neck for attention on the news cycles are the two most talking about topics at the water cooler. The American Presidential campaign and Europe’s gigantic immigrant problem.
As the months ahead sift out national problem number 18 trillion and 1, with world problem of instituting number 666, we of the world watch how the button pushers will make adjustments for the timing of implementation.
One thing is for sure all news carriers will show and tell what will be in your flow of thinking with the push of a button.
Lyricist, non-fiction novelist