How can a nation divided against itself stand? How much longer can the blind lead the blind?
School shootings are followed by comments from people and politicians saying something like, “… this is not who we are as a country, we are caring, decent people willing to help and protect our children.”
These are the same people who are more than willing to murder a baby in the womb. Who are “we” as a country? The “we” is divided against itself.
One side of the mouth speaks of loving compassion and the other side says the opposite.
The Supreme Court has said something like “… we give unrestrained sex for women, (implying women are now just as free and equal to be irresponsible as men having immoral sex.) “… we the Supreme Court, the wisest in the land, now authorize women to be without any constraints or obligation toward accepting the parent’s responsibility to care for and love the child which is a gift from God.”
The human wisdom of the highest court in America has turned their back on the Bible’s wisdom from our Creator. Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
America went from being a nation openly honoring our Creator God, the Bible and the Ten Commandments, to being a mess. A separated, confrontational, angry, violent, murdering, sex crazed, prideful, grossly immoral sinking population of sinful arrogance rejecting God who loves, provides for and cares.
Sins have consequences. How can a blessed nation divided by sin made legal battle against itself and expect to stand? TURNING FROM SIN – THAT’S HOW.
God’s loving grace gave His Son Jesus as a sacrifice for the sins of all who receive Him. With Christ Jesus, the penalty of our sins is removed. Without Jesus, the penalty for sin is hell eternal.
As the Holy Spirit makes you aware of the gospel message, the good news of Jesus, Savior of sinners, receive God’s gift. Rejecting God’s gift of His Son is the ultimate unforgivable Sin.
John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Lyricist, non-fiction novelist