A work of good conscience. A righteous, God honoring conscience lives growing in the increase of Christ likeness. When honoring God first there is elimination of sin, not the compromise with it.
Thus, in turn a Christian, in good conscience, votes for representatives who are against murdering God’s gift of life living in a womb. A person or party advocating the right to murder a baby is not a true Biblical Christian view.
Therefore, why is a true Christian voting for sin, which God hates? God hates all sin. Unless they (so-called christians) are self-deceived into thinking they are Christian or they blatantly choose to sin and choose to advocate killing babies. Christ likeness and choosing to sin are oppose one another.
The Christians conscience should scream and convict when choosing to sin. A person or party advocating for murder (abortion) or homosexuality or pornography is not a Christian viewpoint to be associated by a Bible believing Christian. So-called ‘christians’ doing so might want to read Matt. 7:13-14.
We are talking about premeditated murder, not a spontaneous act of sin. America is a nation which chooses – votes- in murders. These political murders, willingly pass laws to kill babies. While at the same time spout off at being a country of people who are fair and decent, wanting to help those who need help.
Jesus came to save sinners from their soul-destroying deeds which will send them to hell but people reject salvation reject God’s gift of peace.
WHY? John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil
Lyricist, non-fiction novelist