It was Christmas 2001 a few months after America’s 9-11 wake-up call. My small family did not want to talk about God. They appeared to be part of the majority of Americans that wanted leaders to do away with or have little to do with God and be led by human systems.
After generations of America ignoring God and mocking Him with bold and heinous offenses, our holy and righteous God allowed some of the consequences of sin to fall on the U.S. Disbelief in the God of the Bible, love for Jesus and His truth was missing to a great extant.
The Bible teaches that God is in perfect control of all His creation. He is good in allowing the rain to fall on a nation of just and unjust people. Why did God allow the horrible death of innocent lives during the 911 act of terror?
Because God is righteous and holy, He chose to no longer ignore continued sinning, some of His wrath fell on a nation that sin against Him. God allowed the hatred of others to fall on America. Still He is long-suffering wanting none to perish, He is slow to anger waiting for those who are His to hear His call and come to Him.
Romans 1:18-32 speaks of some of the sins’ God hates, sexual immorality, murder, envy, strife, greed, lust and deceit. Several decades of murdering defenseless infants in the womb, abortion alone had caused millions of innocent deaths, brought some judgment. Maybe more severe consequences in one form or another of God’s wrath would arrive someday.
I wanted to help America and I wanted to help my family. I was 48 with 240 diaries showing how God intervened, broke His silence and changed my life at 36 making me spiritually alive in Christ. Peace with God through Jesus came, I was saved and its eternal.
In 2002 it was plain for me to see that I wasn’t doing enough to fulfill the command of God in Matthew 28:18-20 known as the Great Commission. I wasn’t trying hard enough to make the gospel message known to many people or very effectively. Small efforts weren’t good enough anymore. It was time for those diaries to talk back, a time to press on in earnest.
How God’s love changes people was a truth that had to be told.
If God chose to use my story to strengthen Christians or to save even one soul to Himself, that was His call. Writing two volumes of my autobiographical diary based story, telling everyone of God’s life changing love through His Son Jesus, happened.
For over eleven and nearly twelve years the Holy Spirit blessed me with perseverance and God allowed the books to be published.
Individually we are responsible for accepting God’s offer of peace through the reconciling work of Jesus on the cross. Christ took our penalty for our sins. Accepting Christ in faith alone and believing He will help you turn from your sins, there is salvation in following Him in obedience.
I hope my personal testimony in The Threshold will give readers insight as to the joys and blessings and struggles of being a born again Christian. At peace with God here in your earthly lifetime, is the best gift you and your children or a loved one can receive. It’s eternal and the perfect bliss of heaven is offered to all who believe God’s grace in faith .
Lyricist, non-fiction novelist