The greatest material for a Christian’s personal testimony is truth. God’s truth is our truth, it now has the most impact on eternity. And, after all, we are living in eternity now.
Praising Jesus as His sent ones, vessels bringing His truth to lost souls now.
Avoiding the truth of sins devastating consequences of hell is easier than confronting people about it. But the Christian responsibility to do so does not go away.
Of course, sinners don’t want to hear about sin. Whether at home, among friends or in churches. These days, the word sin is nearly forgotten and only brushed against in church sermons.
Something is very wrong when a Pastor does a subtle dance around the topic of sin and doesn’t deliver the whole truth.
Why? So as not to offend the comfortability of the congregation of sinners who have been saved?
Or is sin not mentioned because it might offend the visiting non-saved sinful world who needs to desperately hear of sin’s destruction and damnation.
Sins everlasting horror of pain should be mentioned as often as possible.
Christians choosing to sidestep the topic of sin and/or not dwelling on their own sins residual relentless attacks, and dealing with continual repentance, doesn’t mean it’s right.
There is no compromising with sin.
God sent His Son to save souls from hell. Lord Jesus Christ obeyed, came, lived, died and was raised for believers to trust in His finished work in defeating sin, spiritual death and separation from God.
Why are Christians so happy and willing to sing worship songs praising the Savior and not willing to talk to the un-saved about sin in their lives.
Sins damming eternal consequences are removed by God’s grace in, giving the gift of His Son. Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ saves souls from hell. Telling His story is why we live on earth.
Bringing the good news is the Christians responsibility and receiving the good news is God’s command to the lost.
Jesus, the only savior of souls said in, Mark 10:15 “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
Believe. Believe and keep believing.
Escaping hell, is the greatest issue facing every person on the planet. By rejecting Jesus an unsaved person sends himself to hell.
Jesus saves souls. Not religion, not race, not wealth or poverty.
Only through faith in Messiah and only the good news of Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ will save our soul (SOS). He came and He will return for His faithful followers.
Lyricist, non-fiction novelist