From the principle; of some players choosing to dishonor the flag, some haven’t watched one football game this season. Some boycott TV football, even though TV broadcasters choose not to show players taking the knee. I’m one of the some.
The players rejection of honoring the American flag and all the goodness and blessing it represents hurts America and pleases our enemies. Foes seen and unseen enjoy seeing America crumble from within.
The hurt is aggravated by the TV broadcasters attempt to glaze over the disrespect by editing the shameful scene from the eyes of the viewers. By not showing the mutiny against the flag TV broadcasters are insulting the integrity of God fearing patriotic viewers with their cheap TV trick of trying to sweep the rebellion under the rug.
Players choosing to turn their backs on the men and women who have suffered and died for the freedom the American flag represents are playing into the fractious maneuvering forces of the sin of greed. 1 John 3:4Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.
Please also, keep in mind prejudice is a sin, all people are sinners and sin does reside deep in the heart of all people. Neither the world or TV broadcasters and not even one player are shining a light on calling out prejudice as a sin. The word sin is the truth nobody wants to deal with, because then talk of God and the Bible will start. The last thing Satan the manipulator of evil and sin wants is talk about God, Jesus the only Savior from sin’s consequences (hell) and the Bible.
This open revolt against the flag is painful to veterans and their families who are recovering from the loss of a loved one. This open revolt against the flag is on the pile of deeper hurt. Wounds are growing from seeing senseless shootings, decades of sexual immoral activity in Hollywood revealed, deep social and political divisions and the continued attacks on the God of the Bible.
Families are greatly challenged to raise children who don’t end up taking their own life. The insanity of liberal progressive leaders and lawmakers to advance the gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder (GID) is the recipe for more and more suicide by young people.
Removing God centered Bible teaching from school curriculums in 1925 has produced a nation of chaos. Removing God honoring foundations for the purpose of life, the reason for life, the hope of life now and beyond in heaven has been like feeding poison to five generations of youth. America has created a vacuum, an empty spot in lives by not connecting our youth to our Creator God. Ideal minds without Biblical teaching are the devils workshop.
Here we are America maybe months away from the government initiating martial law in the guise of protecting all the citizens of the United States. Curfews may be imposed, and requirements for caring identification at all times to be shown when asked for by authorities may become the new way of life. Officials will say; “It’s for your own good.”
My prayer is for the mercy and grace of God to shine His Loving Savior, Christ Jesus, in the hearts of many. May all of those who are still to come to the point of receiving Jesus come and the very last one come now. Then the Lord will come and take His true followers home in the rapture of His church.
Watch out then America, then the seven years of tribulation begins. Then the real pain begins.
2 Corinthians 6:1-2 We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain. 2 For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
Lyricist, non-fiction novelist