We live in a society gone mad. It is obvious that violence is rising all over the world.
The childlike idea or concept of ‘give peace a chance’ never stood a chance, still doesn’t and may never. Those warm and fuzzy words of peace are in an angry world of growing confusion.
The fact is, America is tumbling down faster and faster and seeing it fall from the unparalleled height it once was, is a clear look at the increase of sin, evil, crime and lawlessness.
Presidents, politicians and people looking only at the results of darkened hearts born with a sin nature call for unity in a divided land. The inner conflict between right and wrong is an issue that only God can solve. He has solved the problem of lack of peace, through the Messiah, the promised Savior, His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. But people say “no thanks.”
The truth is people are divided from within and express their divisions everywhere on many levels of social expression. The idea of a real united land may have become passé. The only unity that is found is in the dis-unity of many groups of people that divide from each other.
America, in its attempt to become more inclusive like Europe’s anti-Christian life styles, finds itself bogged down with Christian morals, biblical lessons learned and outlooks that had made it great. The rise of America was built with a healthy fear and respect of our loving Creator God.
The abundantly clear – NOW fall of America – is due to abandoning God. The Almighty keeps pulling away from a nation that grows in rejection of His Son Jesus.
As senseless as some killing is, it’s too bad someone didn’t have a gun in San Bernardino or the Orlando bar etc. to shoot the maniac’s. But then again if a maniac is bent toward senseless violence there are plenty of ways to be evil. Evil is held in check by the grace and mercy of God. He still gives people time to seek Him in these times of disintegration. At some point time runs out.
A society gone mad will legalize murder and allow a mother to kill her baby which began life at conception. States of a nation will legalize euthanasia and do away with the old, disabled and useless drains (their thinking) on precious funding. History has shown how low leaders and followers will go for the greater human good, but not go High for the greatest Godly good.
The spiral of madness is swirling down – faster down, and yet God Almighty waits with a tearful eye as people pass up their choice to stand on the Rock of Salvation, Christ Jesus.
As the national budget gets eaten up and national debt deepens year after year so called leaders will take money from people by continually legalizing vices and more vices.
More gambling, and marijuana venues will grease the skids for legalizing prostitution, other drugs and letting more criminals out of prison to cut costs. All at the public’s expense.
If the court systems get even more bogged down and overloaded with limited staffing and lack of funding they can always raise the taxes higher and higher. All tax payers will suffer tax hikes to support a government of spending frenzy.
But that doesn’t mean sin, evil, crime and lawlessness will sleep. Even if all the guns were confiscated (because that’s the government’s ONLY remedy) there is always gasoline, knives, poison or some kind of powder, chemical or gas to kill people.
As precious as the gift of life is, it begins to die the minute it is conceived, earth is a graveyard, but the soul lives forever. People are so caught up with the here and now they don’t have a plan for going into eternity.
As long as individuals want to think politicians can fix the problems, anything goes, and there is always tomorrow, their blindness will continue. But politicians are not able to fix sin and evil. Only God can remedy the sin condition of the heart. By calling to God in genuine sorrow for sin you will have the ear of the Almighty Creator, you will be in His plan for heaven.
When an individual can see the One Perfect life giving tree, in the forest of doom and despair, then there is hope beyond the grave. Each person is now responsible for their life after death.
Our Creator God has given great loving eternal hope for His creatures and His name is Jesus. By the grace of God people may have faith in Christ Jesus, the only Savior of souls.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
There is no excuse for living without hope. There is no excuse for someday being in hell forever. People go to hell because they reject Jesus, the Savior from hell.
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
Life and times on this planet are worsening and will only worsen. What is your plan for eternity? Trust in yourself, that your perfect, to go into God’s perfect heaven? Or trust Christ Who is God the Son the Perfect One and the only way to heaven.
The fact that Jesus lived is indisputable. The fact that Christian martyrs died horrible deaths in the Colosseum, hung on crosses and were burned alive for their faith in Jesus, are all facts in history. God is real, has always been, and will always be. He loves and has given a Gift to get out of the mess of life and death and hell. His Gift the Lord Jesus Christ waits to be received.
These life changing beliefs speaks to the real inner change people live with when God comes to live within. God invites all people to believe in His Son Jesus. God came, His name is Jesus, He alone is perfect and only He is the ticket to heaven.
Receive Him or not, heaven or hell, God waits for repentant souls to call Him, to call Jesus to be saved from hell.
As John 3:16 clearly states = “that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Ask God for eternal life, ask Him for Jesus. Receive Him, receive heaven in faith, all in faith. You must believe.
Lyricist, non-fiction novelist