A time of safety and quality of life in a less sinful world has passed by. Safety isn’t taken for granted any longer. Living through these weary days one wonders about tomorrow.
Time has become more like food, water and air, there is only so much of it. And then what? People live without the answer.
The cavalier attitude of dealing with death is, ‘I’ll find out when I get there.’ That’s already a done deal for going to hell.
Where you go for eternity depends on what you do with Jesus now. Lord Jesus said in Luke 11:23 He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me, scatters.
At some point, you would think common sense would discover that humankind is not able to fix all the fixing that needs to be done on this withering planet.
The majority of people are against the true and only God, our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ. Without the Savior, people are in a massive amount of trouble as time keeps ticking.
The greater mass of people is still looking down in denial or at best looking at what’s happening and hoping to back-up in time. The only way of going back in history to correct the wrongs that we are all living in now is to learn from the great Christian revivals.
Thank God, amid today’s obvious social decay, there is a brightening coming from the dullness of defiance. Yet, God is still saving souls, those who are admitting they are not good enough for a perfect heaven because of sin marring them.
Sin is anything that offends a perfect God. That means everybody is a sinner and in big trouble because death brings eternity in either heaven or hell.
Admitting you’re an imperfect sinner unacceptable for God’s perfect heaven is a start. Asking Jesus how to fix the problem with sin and how to please God is a great start.
God’s great love for people gave His Son as a perfect sacrifice to fix the human problem of sin. Don’t be someone who says no thanks. Time, food and water are running out and people desperately need God’s plan going forward without Jesus.
God the Son, Lord Jesus Christ came and died for the sins of those who believe in Him. He took their punishment for their sins BUT pride in most people won’t receive Him.
Jesus rose from the dead and met with His followers, talked and ate with them. He was seen by hundreds. He conquered death and wiped out the sins past, present and future of those who trust in Him. With faith in Jesus, which is a gift from God, you are qualified for heaven.
Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
Ask Jesus into your heart today. He is listening for your words and wants you to receive Him. The offer from God is there. It is your responsibility to receive it.
Efforts to try and be good enough for heaven will never be perfect, which is the standard of God for His perfect heaven. Only having Jesus, you are accepted as perfect.
Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Lyricist, non-fiction novelist