When prostitution becomes legal in more states and is added to other sins that generate revenue for mismanaged governments it will pound another nail in the coffin of a once greatly blessed country.
Too bad the majority of American people, voters, have long been against God the Father and hate Lord Jesus, God the Son. This nation America, has, is and may very well continue to pass laws legalizing sin.
Once, long ago, the Bible was carried, churches were attended by worshippers in awe of the Almighty and revered Him highly. America WAS blessed mightily.
These days church is about entertainment, weak preaching that doesn’t expose warnings on sinning and scripture on sin and the evils of compromising with sin.
These days, voters put in office their choice of politician to outlaw the Bible and embrace sinful laws. Along with so-called (small c) christians “the many” in (Matt. 7:13-14) the self-deceived their a Christians, who indulge with compromising sin in their weak walk with God, if any walk at all.
Making America great again may never come to pass. Greatness is not about making money, it is all about yielding to God and obeying the Bible.
God’s great grace is about making one person, one soul receive and obey Lord Jesus as Lord Savior and Master of their life. Greatness is all of God’s doing.
God gave his grace through Jesus and each soul must receive Him then and then only our Great God in heaven and on earth will live inside new believers.
Perhaps, in God’s mercy – if soul after soul were drawn by God to Christ Jesus in faith and added to the true existing Christian remnant in America, there would be a revival.
Philippians 3:14 (NKJV) 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Only prayer, repentance from sin and faith in Lord Jesus pleases God.
Lyricist, non-fiction novelist