For those young and old who are being called by God and the young in Christ, all who are learning by the Holy Spirit. From being spiritually dead in sins, God’s grace makes new hearts spiritually alive. Unworthy lumps of clay shaped by the will of the Most High God for His good pleasure.
2 Timothy 1:13 Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.
Chapter 19: Charismatic Twist or Trendy Oddity
Excerpt from page 333-334 (North Hollywood)
I was tutored by the Holy Spirit of God. After another week of giving in to sin and living with my discouraging weaknesses, I saw the price tag drop on what I used to value. I saw my desires as the sins they were, and how sinfulness offended God.
As the two opposite sides were warring, the Holy Spirit showed me in my failure how little I loved God. I held my head in my two hands. Inside was the battle zone from day one, and evil didn’t fight fair. My cravings for booze, sex, and getting high were dogging me all at once. Good intentions to refrain from their temptations failed.
Even when I enjoyed harmony with the Trinity, a flash of sinful thought would flare up. I can’t explain it. When I was praying or reading the Bible, a sinful thought popped up and threw me off my path of concentration.
However, I could feel relief from the seriousness of my sin in the name Jesus. I knew the seriousness that comes with the power of God in the calling for Jesus. Seeing the pain He suffered on the cross for me demonstrated His love.
Lord Jesus
Clear-eyed and clean-minded, Never again being blinded,
Crushing sin when in it creeps, I got good conscience critiques.
I’m born again, evil can’t rule me. I’m born again, Holy Spirit carries me, caring, caring.
Lord Jesus, I read Your word. Your breath of salvation has spoken.
Lord Jesus, we go forward, Your love’s dedication unbroken.
Teach me more in Your truth, Lord. Help me carry Your word, Your sword.
Holy Spirit leads the way, Faith in You I trust and obey.
I’m born again, evil can’t rule me. I’m born again, Holy Spirit carries me, caring, caring.
Lord Jesus, I read Your word. Your breath of salvation has spoken.
Lord Jesus, we go forward, Your love’s dedication unbroken.
Page 337-338
I did learn to let go of girlfriends and not to take on any new girlfriends. Sex outside of marriage was sin. The women I knew didn’t agree with what I believed.
My sexual promiscuity was both sharing my sin and deliberately showing my sin off. Even though it was in private, it was public with them. That was wrong.
Drinking beer and smoking pot were private. Not that that was any better. The public hypocrisy from participating with sin openly seemed to come with more conviction. I could feel the shame and rebellion more.
Hiding my sins, I knew they were still sins, but the public ones were the first to be cut out.
Excluding fleshly immorality was another avenue of righteousness. The good path to take was uncovered by the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Be Separate, Says the LORD
Boy and girl may be husband and wife, Fun and laughs, but where’s God in their life?
Wait and see that this life is not joking, Take God’s truth, hear what He has spoken.
Who will stand with God? Who will walk away?
Time keeps turning cold hearts from the Rock. God is love, He will not be mocked.
Turn your head before the sun goes down, Jesus first, only He wears the crown.
Who will stand with God? Who will walk away?
What fellowship has the light with the dark?
Don’t go there, don’t get close to the spark.
Come out from and Be Separate, Says the Lord.
Turn away, and Be Separate, Says the Lord.
Who will stand with God? Who will walk away?
Joseph ran when he felt her first touch, No excuse letting sin lean so much.
Faith will fight, holding God’s Word within. Stay with the Lord, turn from the face of sin.
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
Lyricist, non-fiction novelist